
divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2014

Periodistes i videojocs!

Us deixem un enllaç a un joc on podreu anar practicant amb els múltiples d'una manera més divertida.

Bon cap de setmana!


dimarts, 1 de juliol del 2014

Bon estiu!

Per Tassos | Publicat 20/08/2013 | La mida sencera són 502 × 376 píxels

dijous, 19 de juny del 2014

This is Barcelona!

We live in one of the greatest cities around the world and we know it. Let us explain why Barcelona is so incredible. This project is about its main buildings and parks.
Every group has chosen their favourite building and has searched information about it. Who did build it? When was it built? When? Why is it my favourite one?
After that we have prepared a powerpoint presentation. We have been working together during the last weeks and in the end we have obtained a great result.
Finally we have explained to the rest of the group our task…in English of course! 

Zoo from mfern685
MNAC from mfern685

divendres, 23 de maig del 2014

dimarts, 25 de març del 2014

Padrins lectors

Pquí teniu fadrins i fillols compartint llibres i moments!